Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Ready... set... fall

Well here we are. Me, a blog, and no readership.

I guess that really is part of the attraction at this stage.
I fool myself into thinking I'm talking to the world, but actually the world couldn't care less.

That is really what this blog may turn out to be about. I say 'may' because I don't really know what mood I'll be in tomorrow or the day after, or even if I'll have the energy or motivation to keep this up. It is sort of like a diary that everyone can see, but no one is interested in.

It'll be about the irony of life.. my life. The contradictions. Sometimes I may have a spark of creativity and write something good. Occasionally I may even write something profound. Most of the time it'll be random thoughts blurted out silently... kinda like this one.
I'll probably live to regret it. Why let the whole world know what is going on in my life, my head... my heart.. then again, who will read it? I'm talking to myself essentially.

I won't start by introducing myself. I won't tell you my name, my age where I live. I won't paint you a picture of outward appearances or pin down the markers I'm expected to define myself within. I'll let you decide that for yourself. You can guess, or assign a life to me that you imagine I should have, or must have.

Instead I will paint a picture from the inside. I will try to be brave enough to show you my thoughts...

1 comment:

Breathe said...

You might have more fans than you know.

And you might have more people than you know following your blog.